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How & Why Your Commercial Property Needs To Install Surge Protection

Installing commercial surge protection equipment is a must for every business. Businesses invest so much to operate that protecting assets is a no-brainer. You cannot get by with surge protection power strips. Instead, you need to install surge protection for the whole building.

Here's why this is so vital and how it will benefit your business.

power surge protection

How Power Surges Really Happen

Surges of power occur when there is a boost in the electricity through the power lines. The electrical energy increases and overflows through the circuitry in the building. It ends up going through the wiring to the outlets and then to anything plugged into them. The electrical surge can also occur through the cabling and phone lines of the building.

Everyone knows that power surges happen because of lightning strikes. This is actually the least common cause of power surges. If lightning strikes near a power line that is located above or below ground, on poles, or on the building, millions of volts can pass through the electrical system.

The electric utility company also creates power surges during power grid switching, which happens much more regularly than lightning strikes. Another cause of surges is simply using a high-power electrical device.

  • Lightning strikes
  • Heavy equipment use
  • Power grid switching

Why You Need To Install Commercial Surge Protection

Power strip surge protectors get fried by this surge of electricity. As they handle the surge, they are no longer useful to protect your business computers and other electronic devices. You cannot rely on them again but should replace them.

By asking a commercial electrician to install surge protection for the entire building, elevators, appliances, heavy equipment, and HVAC systems are also protected. A commercial building is fitted with basic systems that require a ton of energy to turn on and off, so adding other business equipment and systems to the mix means a very expensive loss if a power surge affects the building.

  • Protects computers & electronics
  • Protects appliances & heavy equipment
  • Protects wiring & electrical components
  • Protects phone lines, network cabling, etc

Power surges happen in an instant and you never know when they will. Commercial surge protection equipment keeps all your assets safe as well as the wiring and other electrical components in the building.

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